Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pros/Cons Communicating Via Tech. // Support in CyberSpace

In my Interpersonal Communications class, we talked about the pros and cons of communicating via technology and we also discussed the pros and cons of online support. To begin, since we are not face-to-face when having a conversation, we do not know the tone each person is using, so when we say things on the Internet or via text, they can often be taken the wrong way. Going along with the tone, mood can make things difficult as well. Since you cannot see the person or hear their tone, you do not always know what kind of mood they are in, so this is where communication can go wrong. Turn taking is also another aspect that can make things difficult while having a conversation, there is oftentimes little balance and interruptions can occur frequently. Spontaneity is a positive of communicating via technology because the degree of spontaneity is decreased. Often time when we text, email or blog we can take time to re-read what we have written and edit it if needed.

We also discussed online support. Support in cyberspace can take on many forms, websites such as online support groups, FaceBook and MySpace, blogs and online journals, chat rooms, instant messeneger and online therapy. Online support can be extremely beneficial because of a variety of reasons. First, it is annonymous, so people can go to forums or online therapy without being embarassed. It is a good tool for people who are shy, it is not face to face, so it may make communicating easier for some people. It is also extremely accessible, more ability to receive more support from more people. Unlike regular therapy, online therapy is availbale 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and all you have to do is log on to a computer.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kelly,

    Thanks for this post! Feel free to share with others at the Online Therapwy Social Network at
